PLCPLC students explored a Japanese folklore called Momotaro. This story is one of Japan's most beloved traditional tales. Students made a Momotaro headband to be the main character from the story! SLCSLC students learned the days of the week in Japanese. Students made a mini Origami book with the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Students also revisited how to count and write up to 20 in Japanese. Students made the beautiful festival lights craft with Japanese numbers. CLCCLC students learned about a Japanese artist called Yayoi Kusama in Japanese and Visual Arts. In Japanese, students explored the life story of Yayoi Kusama and made a mini Origami book about her. YYLCYYLC students finished off the Term 4 by playing chopsticks games.
There were two types of chopsticks including training chopsticks. Some students did not know how to use chopsticks but they got better at using them by the end of the lesson. PLCPrep students are learning about fruits in Japanese. Students have done a variety of activities related to fruits, including:
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PLC students are learning six colours in Japanese.
Students have been enjoying practicing Japanese writing on mini whiteboards.
They also practice colours by singing the colour crayon song in Japanese.
Students have been enjoying practicing Japanese writing on mini whiteboards.
They also practice colours by singing the colour crayon song in Japanese.
Students made Ninja Puppets to practice how to introduce themselves and to take a bow for showing respect.
Using the puppets was a fun way to practice speaking Japanese!
Using the puppets was a fun way to practice speaking Japanese!
In this Term, CLC students learned about Japanese New Years and Family.
Students were enthusiastic to sing the Zodiac Animal song and Family song in Japanese. They also worked hard to say higher numbers (21-99) to say the age of their family members.
Students were enthusiastic to sing the Zodiac Animal song and Family song in Japanese. They also worked hard to say higher numbers (21-99) to say the age of their family members.
YYLC students explored the following two topics in this Term: Japanese New Years celebrations and Sports. For Japanese New Years learning, students investigated how people in Japan celebrate new years with special decorations and food. For Sports topic, students learned about popular sports and traditional sports in Japan such as Sumo.
PLC students are off to a wonderful start in their first year of learning Japanese.
In the past few weeks, students learned greetings in Japanese: こんにちは (Konnichiwa: Hello) and さようなら (Sayounara: Goodbye). To get familiar with Japanese writing, students traced Japanese letters with playdough and did a great job! Two videos below are the Japanese greeting songs we have been practicing in class.
In the past few weeks, students learned greetings in Japanese: こんにちは (Konnichiwa: Hello) and さようなら (Sayounara: Goodbye). To get familiar with Japanese writing, students traced Japanese letters with playdough and did a great job! Two videos below are the Japanese greeting songs we have been practicing in class.
SLC students have settled in amazingly. We have started the year by jumping into our Japanese new year unit, learning about the year of the dragon. As a whole learning community project, we made a dragon wall art with their traced hands and names with Japanese writings.
In this term, PLC students are learning to count up to 10 and also read 1-10 in Japanese writing. Students also leant how to say their age in Japanese.
They all excited to turn Roku Sai (6 years old) and Nana sai (7 years old).
In this term, PLC students are learning to count up to 10 and also read 1-10 in Japanese writing. Students also leant how to say their age in Japanese.
They all excited to turn Roku Sai (6 years old) and Nana sai (7 years old).
SLC students have been exploring the topic of nature in Term 4. Students have learned five nature terms in kanji characters. Kanji characters and calligraphy were introduced by Chinese people in the old days. Students practiced making shapes of kanji characters using playdough and Japanese calligraphy pen called Fudepen.
The topic CLC students are learning is Transport. Students have learnt eight transport terms in Japanese with memory clues. Every week students are investigating into unique Japanese transport systems such as multi-level underground bike parking, and anime themed public transport.
The topic YYLC students are learning this Term is Weather Forecast. YYLC students have learnt six new vocabularies for telling the weather. In this unit, students are developing their language skills of composing sentences using future tense in Japanese. As a summary of this unit, students researched the weather tomorrow and the day after tomorrow in Melbourne, Tokyo and another city of their choice. It was interesting comparing the weather and temperatures across these three cities.