This week in Performing Arts, the students have been experimenting with camera tricks using stop motion. After viewing a stop motion clip, students discussed how the tricks were being performed. Then, students were placed into groups of three and began filming some short clips, demonstrating their ideas. We hope you enjoy!! This week, students from PLC and SLC have been learning to take digital images on the iPad and exploring the skill of taking photos using 'forced perspective'. This is where we have two objects in front of the camera, one far away and one close to give the illusion of the objects being really small and large. Some students also explored taking images from a certain angle and rotating the image to give the illusion of climbing up a wall. Over the past few weeks, students in Simon Learning Community have been learning about 'Photo Stories' and the skills needed to create one using the hand puppets and iPads. Students first created photo stories using the characters 'Kylie Kitten' and 'Spotty Bear'. Then, over the next couple of lessons, students learnt the skills for hiding the puppeteer and creating clear images of their puppets involved with activities. Lastly, students used to application 'Book Creator' to import their images and use the microphone on the iPad to narrate their stories. Please enjoy these wonderful stories! Over the past two weeks, the students in Carome Learning Community have been using photography to explore on our key CARE values 'Empathy'. Empathy is about putting yourself in someone else's shoes and being able to recognise emotions easily. Students had the task of experimenting with using daylight and shadows when taking a photo, as well as the angle and height of the camera when the image is being taken. Students then edited their images, by cropping and adding filters to their image, to enhance the mood. Can you name these emotions in the images below? This week in Performing Arts, our students have been investigating and exploring different types of shots in photography. Students worked in pairs to take photos of their friends while being able to identify the six types of shots used in photography (Extreme Wide Shots, Wide Shots, Medium Shots, Medium Close Up Shots, Close Up Shots and Extreme Close Up Shots). Extreme Wide Shots Wide ShotsMedium Shots Medium Close Up Shots Close Up Shots Extreme Close Up Shots |