On Thursday the 30th of November the 5/6 students were very fortunate to have a special guest come into Yan Yean... AFLW player and the 2023 Goal of the Year winner, Caitlin Greiser!
The students asked Caitlin many interesting questions about her life as a professional athletic such as what her training schedule is like, what position she plays and how many goals she has kicked so far in her career (almost 50!). We watched a video of Caitlin kicking the goal that won her the 2023 Goal of the Year for the whole of the AFLW competition! We thank Caitlin for coming in to visit and inpsire us, as well as give each student a signed Richmond hat to keep (sorry Mary). Thank you to all for supporting the YYLC Market Day on Tuesday 5th of December- it was a sell out! The grade 5/6 small businesses worked hard to deliver a variety of tasty, crafty, creative goods to sell to some very keen customers. What a wonderful celebration of authentic learning at Mernda Park Primary School. Making and DesigningBakingThe Market DayOn Monday 20th November, our year 6 students had the opportunity to visit Mernda Central P-12 College for a secondary school experience, in preparation for transition to Year 7 in 2024.
At Mernda Central P-12 College we had the opportunity to learn about secondary school life by participating in Japanese, Food Technology and Science. Some comments from our students included- “I am glad to be going to secondary school now”, “My favourite subject was science” and “It wasn’t scary like I thought it was going to be”. YYLC gained a real-life immersive experience of the sounds, sights and smells at The Queen Victoria Market. While there we conducted research into marketing and selling processes and made observations of how markets operate. Students enjoyed the Market Discovery Tour, exploring some known and unknown producee whilst discovering Melbourne’s multicultural history. Did you know the market was built on a cemetery? Students will be marketing and producing their own product to be sold to their peers, at our school market on Tuesday 21st of November. This term the Grade 5 and 6 students are enthusiastically engaging in a Design Technology Elective program that empowers them to explore their creative potential. This program consists of Textiles, Model Making, Game Design, and Story Design. Through these electives, the Grade 5 and 6 students develop essential problem-solving, teamwork, and critical thinking skills while bringing their imaginative ideas to life.
During Term 3, our grade five and six students completed the Phoenix Soar program. Phoenix Soar is a four-week mental health and wellbeing program, developed and delivered by the South East Melbourne Phoenix. Through the program, our YYLC students learned to recognise, regulate and articulate their emotions. In the last week of term we were fortunate enough to have five players from the South East Melbourne Phoenix team visit us at MPPS. They played our grade six students in baskteball mini matches in front of the whole school. It was a fantatsic way to end Term 3! TOn Monday 11th September, the Year 6 Leadership Team ran a sausage sizzle fundraiser. In the lead up to the event, students sought out donations from local supermarkets and bakeries, advertised to the school community and prepared all the items needed for the day.
The students leaders were incredible at cooking, serving and ensuring everyone collected their order in a timely manner. We are very proud the students for organising and running this event. The money raised will go towards the purchase of banners for our new house teams. Great work everyone! In a heartwarming tradition, Grade 6 students become buddies to the prep students, offering guidance and friendship as they navigate their early school days. This special connection helps the younger students feel comfortable and supported, while also teaching the Grade 6 students important leadership skills and the joy of helping others. It's a wonderful way to foster a sense of community and kindness within the school.