During Term 4 onsite learning, students have managed to demonstrate some Japanese knowledge they learnt during Term 3 remote learning. Below briefly shows what each LC studied during Term 4. I hope everyone will have great holidays. I am looking forward to seeing you all next year - Mio Simon LCDuring Term 4, students learnt the new topic about Zoo Animals. They practiced reading, writing and speaking Zoo Animal words in Japanese. They are good at counting zoo animals using the prior knowledge of counting 1-10 in Japanese that was taught during remote learning. Here is a video of a group of SLC students singing Happy Holiday Song in Japanese. https://clickv.ie/w/x-bp Carome LC
Yan Yean LCStudents from Yan Yean Learning Community started the term by thinking of Gratitude. They made Sakura (cherry blossom) flower filled with gratitude words in Japanese. Here is a photo of the Gratitude Sakura Tree in YYLC.
During Term 4, student focused on learning how to express what they like, love and dislike in Speaking, Writing and Reading. In order to talk about what they like, love and dislike, they practiced using the sentence patterns first and then learnt some vocabularies such as food they like, animals they love, and things they don't like. By the end of the term, students were able to Students also tried a Japanese Art called Chigiri-e. Here are some students Chigiri-e Art Work to share. Comments are closed.