We are already over half way through term 2 and so many exciting things have happened at MPPS. Our Yan Yean LC football and netball teams have been trying hard every Friday learning new skills and developing the resilience to keep persisting and to have fun. Students in grades 3 and 5 worked hard on their NAPLAN assessments as they do on all learning tasks and assessments. All students across the school enjoyed our Responsible Pet Ownership incursion and the arrival of MPPS Maggie our therapy dog has been very popular. Science has been a feature of this term with all students participating in the Simon Creek local excursions and Carome and Simon LC students enjoying their day at Science Works. We have also had focus on healthy eating at MPPS with our Food Talks incursion and our Healthy Food incursion that was enjoyed by Simon and Plenty LC students. Our Mothers’ Day afternoon tea and our Education Week Open Morning were also fantastic highlights and it was lovely to have so many families enjoying our school on these days. The feedback from parents and other family members was very positive and much appreciated by all the staff.
Please remember that our yard is supervised from 8.30am until 8.45am and after school from 3.15pm until 3.30pm and during all break times. For the safety of our students, students should not be in the yard without a parent/guardian outside of these times. To also ensure the safety of our students it is also important to remind all families that the staff carpark is not available for student drop off or pick up. It’s fantastic that we can work in partnership to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all of our beautiful MPPS students, families and staff. Next week is National Reconciliation Week and during this week, Reconciliation Australia invites all Australians to learn more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories, to share that knowledge and help us grow as a nation. This year’s campaign highlights some of the lesser known aspects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, histories, cultures and achievements, to prompt Australians to ask themselves: what are some of the things I don’t know about our shared history? Our students will be exploring questions about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories and using the following informative website and other sources of information to help us. https://www.reconciliation.org.au/national-reconciliation-week/ Have a happy and safe weekend. Mary Ryan Principal Comments are closed.